When you suffer an unexpected injury, or if a loved one suddenly dies, it may take all your strength to simply get through the day. However, if you are harmed after using a kratom product, it is important to get the medical treatment you need while also caring for your mental and emotional health. Unfortunately, doing so takes time and money.

While it may feel daunting to consider pursuing a lawsuit against the negligent party who caused a kratom injury or death, taking swift action in a court of law is often necessary to receive the compensation you need to pay for the doctors and other damages (and to protect others from becoming victims).

Hiring a lawyer to assist with a kratom lawsuit can make the path easier and allow you to use your time to focus on healing.

Understanding Kratom and the Harm It Can Cause

Kratom is derived from the Mitragyna speciosa korth, a tree found in Southeast Asia. People use kratom to treat various conditions, such as joint and muscle pain, anxiety, depression, opioid use disorder, and opioid withdrawal. Although six states have banned the sale of kratom, it is still widely available in most regions of the country for purchase, in convenience stores, gas stations, vape shops, specialty cafes, and through online sellers in various forms including capsules, liquid, and powder. 

While a national survey conducted in 2021 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimated that over 1.7 million Americans aged 12 and older have used kratom, federal officials strongly discourage its use.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), kratom’s two main chemical compounds, mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine bind to the same brain receptors as opioid drugs like codeine. Despite some people believing kratom can be a safe alternative to opioids, the FDA has not approved any drug or dietary supplements containing kratom, or its main ingredients. In fact, the FDA warns against the use of kratom due to the risk of serious adverse events, including liver toxicity, seizures, and substance use disorder (SUD).

However, despite the FDA’s warning, the use of kratom continues to grow while manufacturers and sellers continue operating without providing safety information and proper labeling. This has resulted in continued injuries and deaths across the country. In 2022 alone, kratom played a part in 846 fatal overdose cases across 30 states and in Washington D.C., according to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

The Value of Hiring an Experienced Kratom Lawyer

Whether you have lost a loved one due to kratom or you are the victim who suffered an overdose or a severe reaction to kratom, it is important to hire a knowledgeable lawyer. Doing so allows for a smoother and more efficient legal process, whether it is a product liability lawsuit or a wrongful death lawsuit. 

A lawyer can focus on the legal issues necessary to help you receive fair compensation for the injuries while you focus on your physical and emotional recovery. Lawyers also have more opportunities to influence lawmakers to create stronger regulations for kratom products to prevent others from suffering. 

Here is a quick look at the many benefits of hiring a lawyer to assist with a kratom lawsuit.

The ability to strategize and investigate: After your first sit-down consultation, a lawyer can begin using their expertise to collect the necessary evidence by gathering medical records, receipts, and other documents and conducting interviews. They will also know what experts to consult to make your case even stronger.

Skillful navigation and negotiation: They will know how to navigate the legal process of a kratom lawsuit and will ensure the paperwork is correct and all deadlines are met. When it is time to begin negotiating what compensation you should receive for kratom injuries, they will use their product liability and wrongful death knowledge to make sure you are awarded what is right and just.

Understanding settlement determinations: A lawyer will bring to the table all the unique pieces of your particular kratom case for the financial award to be correct. Included in the determination will be a need for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, as well as other damages. 

Without solid legal representation, there is a strong possibility kratom victims will receive a lesser amount of compensation than they should. By hiring an experienced lawyer with a background in kratom or other dangerous product lawsuits who can create a solid, thorough case and bring the legal understanding necessary to the negotiating table, the plaintiff will better receive a fair decision.

Along with that, when a kratom victim wins a victory in the courtroom, there is a stronger chance that those who caused the harm will be held accountable for their negligence, and other victims may be kept out of harm’s way in the future.

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