Every year, many of our nation’s elders are abused by those around them. It could be a neighbor or someone you know, or it could even be a family member. It can be a difficult situation if you find out that one of your parents has been the victim of abuse. Most people who go through this are angry and want some form of justice under state law. On the bright side, there is legislation established to protect the elderly from a variety of different forms of abuse, and lawyers are available to work with you to get the justice your family deserves.

What Is Elderly Abuse?

Abuse of the elderly comes in various forms from financial exploitation to emotional harassment. Here is a short list of potential areas of abuse as determined by the Administration of Aging in the United States:

  • Physical Abuse: Any physical violence or chemical abuse meant to harm or hinder the person
  • Sexual Abuse: Any non-consensual sexual acts
  • Neglect: Taking responsibility for an elderly person and failing to provide the essentials that they require
  • Exploitation: Stealing, taking, hiding or misusing the assets of an elderly person
  • Emotional Abuse: Causing any mental pain or anguish such as verbally humiliating them or threatening them with violence for non-compliance
  • Abandonment: Taking responsibility for an elderly person and then simply leaving them by themselves
  • Self-Neglect: When an elderly person can no longer take care of himself or herself and perform the tasks of a day-to-day life

How Can We Protect Against Elderly Abuse?

Elder abuse can be difficult to identify as those being abused often times stay quiet out of either fear or embarrassment. You should be on alert and keep a good watch on your parents to make sure they are still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mental professionals can help you and your parents get to the root of the matter if something bad is happening. The best thing you can do for your parents is to make sure that they are safe and secure in a good place.

Elder abuse is a big problem, but there are new laws coming into existence annually to protect them. Denver elderly abuse laws are in place to help both you and your parents. If you suspect abuse, do not wait for things to blow over. Your parents deserve to be protected. Contact the local authorities immediately and help them in any way you can.

SOURCE: Colorado Law Blog – Personal Injury News and Information| Bachus & Schanker Attorneys – Read entire story here.