Can I get Social Security disability for anxiety? I know you want a definite answer but I have to be a lawyer and tell you “That’s a definite maybe.” Absolutely, people do get approved for Social Security disability benefits based upon anxiety. They also get turned down. They don’t make it easy. Here are some things that Social Security looks at in disability claims based upon anxiety:

  • Are you in psychiatric care for the anxiety? If you’re not taking your anxiety seriously enough to seek psychiatric care it’s going to be hard to convince Social Security that it’s all that bad. No, care by your family doctor won’t be enough. If you’re thinking about filing a Social Security disability claim based upon anxiety, obviously whatever your family doctor is doing isn’t working.
  • Is the anxiety associated with bipolar disorder? Really severe anxiety often is.
  • Is your anxiety associated with severe depression? Often it is.
  • Is the anxiety associated with panic attacks or obsessive compulsive disorder?
  • Can you leave your house by yourself?
  • How is the anxiety affecting your life? How are you limited?

If you’re in NC and want help with your Social Security disability claim, call Hall & Rouse, P.C. at 1-866-425-5347