In our ever-evolving work landscape, the rise of remote work has become a norm for many employees.

With the flexibility it offers, it is important to consider how this shift affects traditional aspects of employment, such as workers’ compensation claims.

Understanding the basics

Workers’ compensation typically covers injuries or illnesses that occur during the course of employment. Traditionally, meant injuries sustained at the workplace. However, as remote work becomes more prevalent, the lines between the traditional workplace and home office blur.

The home office dilemma

When it comes to remote workers, the key question revolves around whether injuries or illnesses sustained at home are work-related. The answer often depends on the nature of the injury and the activities leading up to it. If, for example, a remote worker trips over a work-related cable while performing work duties, it may be a valid claim.

Establishing a connection

For a successful workers’ compensation claim, remote workers must establish a clear connection between the injury or illness and their work activities. This connection is important in determining the validity of the claim. It is not enough for the injury to occur at home. There must be a direct link to work responsibilities.

Proving the connection

Proving this connection may involve providing evidence such as documentation of work-related activities leading up to the incident, witness statements or any other relevant information that substantiates the claim. Remote workers need to be diligent in maintaining a record of their work-related activities to strengthen their case.

During August and September 2022, 27.5% of employees worked remotely. Regardless of work location, any employee still faces the potential for a workplace injury to happen.

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