The two-year window that allows victims of Camp Lejeune’s toxic water to make a claim for injuries came into effect last summer and will close next year on August 10, 2024. This means there’s just one year left to file a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit if your claim with the Navy JAG Office isn’t resolved within six months.

Veterans, their families, and civilians exposed to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune have suffered serious illnesses and adverse health effects, including several types of cancers, infertility, birth defects, and renal disease, among others. But thanks to legislation signed into law in August 2022, those who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for 30 or more total days between 1953 and 1987 can finally seek compensation for their injuries.

More and more victims of water contamination at the North Carolina Marine Corps Base have been filing claims and lawsuits against the government for their role in the tragedy. As the deadline to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit approaches, it’s crucial that those who developed an illness linked to the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals found in the wells on base are compensated for what happened. Families who lost loved ones from health conditions caused by toxic exposure at the base also have the right to file a CLJA claim and a wrongful death lawsuit could be pursued if that claim is denied or unresolved.

So far, those filing Camp Lejeune lawsuits claim that the government should have known of the risks to the water supply. Victims also claim that once the contaminants were discovered, the government failed to inform those exposed of the risks.

The high costs of medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and decreased enjoyment of life are some of the damages that can be sought in a Camp Lejeune lawsuit. With an estimated one million innocent people exposed to contaminated water at the North Carolina Marine Corps Base, the fight for justice and accountability will no doubt change lives.

But time is running out. CLJA claims and lawsuits must be filed by August 10, 2024. The first step for victims is knowing how to find a Camp Lejeune lawyer. An experienced toxic exposure attorney can help navigate the process and meet the filing requirements and strict deadlines.

The Devastation of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

What happened at Camp Lejeune was a large-scale toxic exposure disaster that occurred for more than three decades. From 1953 to 1987, the water at Camp Lejeune was contaminated with high levels of VOCs and other extremely harmful chemicals to human health.

As a result of residents and workers drinking, bathing in, and cooking with contaminated water, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was created. It was later included in the Honoring Our PACT Act, which was signed into law by President Biden.

Much has been learned about the timeline and cause of water contamination at the Marine Corps Base. It’s known that the wells became contaminated by an off-base dry-cleaning company that failed to properly dispose of solvents, as well as leaky underground fuel storage tanks. There’s also the fact that two of the VOCs in the wells are used to clean military weapons and machinery.

Many have questioned how the wells on base could be contaminated for so long – not to mention why people exposed and at risk of severe health effects linked to Camp Lejeune’s water weren’t informed of the dangers once the toxins were discovered.

The toxic water at Camp Lejeune has been associated with several serious health conditions, some of which include:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Infertility
  • Kidney cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Kidney diseases
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Scleroderma

In addition to these illnesses, stillbirths and cancers in children were common at Camp Lejeune. In fact, there were so many infant deaths that a cemetery near the base is known as Baby Heaven.

The total number of veterans, their families, and civilians who have suffered because of the contaminated water is unknown, but it’s clear that what happened at Camp Lejeune has had a devastating impact. Because of the type of exposure and how long the wells were contaminated, toxic water lawsuits are expected to continue to rise until the August 10, 2024 deadline.

Why You Need Legal Representation for Your Camp Lejeune Claim

According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), about 15,000 releases of toxic substances are estimated to occur in the U.S. every year. Exposure to these toxins can cause both short- and long-term health effects and even be fatal. And in many cases, someone or an entity, like the government, is liable for toxic exposure incidents.

In the case of Camp Lejeune water contamination, there’s a long and disturbing list of illnesses and health effects that victims have suffered and lost their lives from due to the types and levels of VOCs and chemicals in the wells. The sheer number of CLJA claims and the increasing amount of lawsuits show the extent to which Camp Lejeune water contamination harmed those living and working there.

So many veterans, their families, and workers were exposed to dangerous toxins over more than three decades. Knowing how far-reaching the disaster is and that it took several years to shut down wells once contaminants were discovered, a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit is the only path to justice and compensation. A lawsuit may be filed if victims’ CLJA administrative claims are denied, offers are inadequate, or the Navy JAG Office fails to respond within six months of submitting your claim.

A Camp Lejeune lawyer can help you navigate the CLJA claims process, determine the value of your claim and file a lawsuit on your behalf. Exposure to the contaminated water on base has left victims with life-changing illnesses and family members to mourn the devastating loss of a loved one who died from what happened at Camp Lejeune.

Those affected deserve to have their best interests and rights represented by an attorney who is highly experienced in these types of cases, but the deadline to file a claim is nearing. Failure to file by August 10, 2024, means that victims and surviving families will no longer have an avenue to hold the government responsible – or be compensated for past, current, and future physical, emotional, and financial suffering.

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