Colorado has a lot going for its citizens including ranking fourth in 2014 for being a great place to work based on factors like employment rate, average salary, cost of living and workplace conditions. So what other factors should you be concerned about if you work in the Centennial State? Employee rights come to mind because no matter how good your job, being prepared with the right information regarding workplace laws is a smart idea. Listed below are some areas to consider about Colorado work laws and their impact on your rights and job expectations.

Non-Discrimination Hiring, Firing and Harassment Laws, and Job Termination

Employers cannot use information about place of birth, age, race, disability, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or family-planning decisions to conduct the hiring process nor to dismiss you from employment. Additionally, you are protected against unwanted, continual verbal or physical behavior based on these factors which creates a hostile work environment and is considered grounds for harassment. As a right to work state, Colorado law says you can choose to leave your job for any reason unless you have a contract. Employers can also terminate you for documented, non-discriminatory reasons. Regardless of how you leave employment, you should receive a final paycheck that includes compensation for unused vacation days.

Leave Time, Wage Laws Protection and Post-Employment Benefits

Federal laws allow you to take 12 weeks of unpaid Family Medical Leave to address serious personal or family illness without fear of losing your job. States laws also give limited leave permission for other circumstances such as voting, child adoption, attending school meetings or resolving domestic abuse situations. Workers are covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act or Colorado’s own state laws, whichever provides the greater protections. These laws address annual cost-of-living adjustments, minimum wage and overtime pay, which is working more than a 12-hour workday or 40 hours in a week. Depending on your circumstances for leaving a job, you may be entitled to unemployment compensation or COBRA group medical insurance for a certain period of time.

Workplace Safety and Workers Compensation Colorado

According to federal and state laws, employers must keep the workplace free of known safety hazards and inform employees of unsafe working conditions. They are further prohibited from firing or demoting you as a result of problems resulting from on-the-job safety issues. Workers compensation is required insurance all employees must carry. This insurance compensates workers for expenses incurred as a result of injury on the job. It covers medical and rehabilitation expenses along with any disability benefits you may be entitled to receiving.

Colorado affords many worker protections for its citizens, according to state and federal regulations. If you have any job-related concerns, such as which workers compensation Colorado laws may apply to your situation, contacting a Colorado employment attorney may provide beneficial information to resolve your issues.

SOURCE: Colorado Law Blog – Personal Injury News and Information| Bachus & Schanker Attorneys – Read entire story here.