Sometimes an OSHA fine is the least of your worries.

Criminal charges are being brought up against Bumble Bee Foods and its former safety manager for workplace safety violations that resulted in the macabre and disturbing death of an employee. Jose Melena was working inside a giant tuna can sterilization oven and somehow became trapped inside. He was found after the oven was opened to remove the tuna.

Various safety standards were violated, to cause this incident. A preventative safety plan had not been implemented, a lockout-tagout procedure was not in place to prevent turning on the oven when someone was in it, and rules for confined spaces were broken. >> Find out what happened

Overpass Falls, Kills 3

When you’re driving, you’re alert to hazards around you and in front of you. But above you?

Part of an overpass’ concrete wall broke loose during a construction project and hit a truck passing beneath the bridge, killing three. >> Read the full story

Free Workplace Safety Posters

OSHA has released a new job safety and health poster, which employers are required to display.

This might be an ideal time to assess what other safety messages could be helpful in your workplace. Here are some posters which could act as training resources or help workers avoid hazards.

Other OSHA posters

State of New York safety posters

Additional categories
SOURCE: DuraLabel’s Weekly Safety News – Read entire story here.